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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Finest Moments

Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency

Some Pre-ndependence Day News:

Barack and Jesus sitting in a tree, E-V-A-N-Gelizing

Emergency Room Fallure

Iraq sues for over $10 Billion Waste in oil for food

FBI Director on SC Gun Ruling: "I tend to believe weapons harm people and more often than not they harm the people carrying them."

What do you do when prices are up and demand is high? Stop importing!

Spy Harder Every Day

Contractor Incompetence: It's Electric!

Torture Training: Learn from the experts

All is forgiven, or at least ignored

Wiretipping Point

Bush Saves Bush


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey bro,

I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog. I especially appreciate the funny stuff (like that amazing Onion video) because all that truth can get really depressing! Keep up the good work.
