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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our Policies are (Anti)Psychotic

The Nation reports

Forced medication is only warranted in the most extreme mental health cases, and even then, it's legality can be questioned. Other times, needed medications are withheld.
"I think people forget to think we are human."
"This is a story we hear all the time. They don't let people get their medication," he said. "What should be shocking news isn't that shocking."
"The secrecy, denial of basic human and civil rights, and inhumanity involved in the treatment of immigrant detainees doesn't align with American values. Disappointingly, once again I had to acknowledge that we are far from living on the promise of this country. We are not who we think we are."
While detained, Mr. Bah had fallen and fractured his skull. Although seriously injured, he was shackled and taken to solitary confinement. In a written report, the detention center staff stated that he was unresponsive and foaming at the mouth. Mr. Bah was left in this condition for almost 15 hours until finally an ambulance was called. The hospital reported that he had multiple brain hemorrhages; he died after four months in a coma. Mr. Bah's family and his attorney were not notified by ICE of the occurrence; the family found out five days later thanks another detainee who called Mr. Bah's roommate.
"They are targeting schools and we are watching them do it,"
Scores of undocumented parents began to panic as early as 7: 30 a.m. May 6, as word got around that ICE vehicles were parked near schools in East Oakland and South Berkeley...At about the same time, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) officials were receiving similar calls from concerned parents and community members that ICE agency vehicles had been spotted near four Oakland schools, including Esperanza Elementary, where parents say they saw agents parked on International Blvd, 98th, 95th, and San Leandro Boulevard, a four block radius surrounding the school.

We really are treating them like animals.

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